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Work isn’t working for so many of us!
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According to Gallup recent global workplace study, just 21% of us are engaged and stress amongst workers is at an all-time high at 44%.
Changing the statistics may sound like a daunting task. You may feel it's not even your job! But the change does not always come from the top down.
We believe there are leaders and changemakers at every level of the organisation. They are the ones who know the best place to start is oneself. The ones who use the most efficient method: “step by step”. They are the ones who enjoy the process, inspire others and spread the movement.
If you want to make work better - be it an essential shift or tiny adjustments - we are here, behind you. To fuel your progress towards better work we created a set of inspirational, practical and easily applicable weekly tips for you for the whole year. That is 52 little seeds of a big change you can implement throughout the coming year!
We can make work better, together.
Watch out for our weekly tweak to make work better. Subscribe below.
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